Good news! It looks as if money is coming your way. Perhaps you're getting a good bonus, or perhaps you've received a good review and will be getting a substantial raise. Hearing about this will definitely boost your mood, Sagittarius, and because you're feeling good, you'll be especially nice to those around you. They'll reciprocate in kind. Enjoy your day!
Today's astral configuration makes this a great day for spreading your good-natured and sunny optimism around. Arrange an impromptu party, along with a loved one, and invite both friends and strangers, as by the end of the occasion you are all sure to be like one happy family. This will uplift you both, and also introduce you to some interesting new faces.Single's Love - They say practice makes perfect, and when it's this fun, you don't mind the ride! Talk to new people for no good reason -- learn all about them and let your individual qualities sparkle.
Couple's Love - Today might be a good time to take a rain check on dates or other activities with your partner -- not because you won't get along, but because you need to spend some time on your own.