If you're single and looking for love, Capricorn, you may find it today in an ephemeral way. You could find yourself falling hard for the proverbial stranger across the crowded room. That might pose a problem if the room is actually a crowded subway, but faith is called for here. If the person appears to share your attraction, you'll manage to find each other. You have a lot to look forward to. Enjoy your day.
Don't underestimate just how much a note or a card expressing your love for your partner (current or prospective) can do to make them feel really good. If you have been too busy recently to give them the attention they deserve, then the cosmic climate today could encourage you to create an atmosphere of deeper happiness and harmony within your relationship. So, pick up your pen and start writing.Single's Love - Feeling good about how things are going for you isn't a sin. Enjoy your good fortune, but try not to rub it in the faces of those who could use a bit more romantic good luck. No one likes a gloater.
Couple's Love - Be creative when it comes to expressing your feelings for your loved one. Tuck a note into their pocket, or slip a homemade mix CD into their car and give them a little treat for their morning commute.