As a person who enjoys being gregarious and outgoing, days like this provide a wonderful outlet for your energy. You might spend a lot of time with your family today, Capricorn, but you'll also probably touch base with many others. At some point you might find yourself in the spotlight. You'll feel especially fond of everyone around you and appreciate your good fortune. Enjoy your day.
If you have been trying to organize your current love affair along certain lines, or have been trying to get it to fit in with a particular routine, then you may find that today's cosmic climate encourages one or both of you to break out. Love cannot blossom in such an atmosphere, and if the love between you is true, then it needs more space to thrive.Single's Love - Feeling good about how things are going for you isn't a sin. Enjoy your good fortune, but try not to rub it in the faces of those who could use a bit more romantic good luck. No one likes a gloater.
Couple's Love - Your loved one may be giving you mixed signals, so it's up to you to figure out what they're really trying to say. Trust your intuition -- it will guide you to the right answer.