Well THIS is a sobering tale for a Friday. As someone who lives in abject TERROR of losing even the slightest piece of hair (seriously, I don't Nair my arms anymore pre-shower because I'm terrified some left-over Nair on my hands will remain when I lather up with my shampoo and cause fall-out), this video made for a cautionary tale. Tori singed off several inches of hair around her hairline when she used this curling wand (don't we wish we knew which brand so we could put it on the #neveragaintour, credit to Felicia Sullivan) because it was too hot. Make sure to invest in good heat tools and don't turn up the heat all the way unless you know your hair can handle it.
Tori, I give you props for handling this hair horror with aplomb. Have you ever burnt off your hair? I did once with a blow-dryer brush attachment in college and was PISSED. Talk to me in the comments.
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Tori, I give you props for handling this hair horror with aplomb. Have you ever burnt off your hair? I did once with a blow-dryer brush attachment in college and was PISSED. Talk to me in the comments.
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