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How To Make A Great First Impression

Beautiful Couple Great First Impression

Whether it’s a first date, meeting your partner’s parents or an important job interview, there’s no doubt about it – first meetings can be scary! While opinions can change over time, to get off on the best foot, it is important you try to make the best first impression you can. To wow your date or future boss and make a killer first impression, here are our top 10 tips for any first meeting.

Be positive

Most of us are drawn to positive, friendly people who make us feel at ease, so an easy way to connect with those around you is to portray a positive attitude through your conversation and body language. Greeting new people with a genuine smile is important. Also, try to keep the conversation on positive or, at the very least, neutral topics. While we all love a good moan from time to time, the first few hours or minutes of meeting someone are probably not an appropriate time to nab them as your personal agony aunt or sounding board for all your grievances and problems.

Pay attention to your body language

Research suggests that 80 per cent of our communication is done through body language, meaning that people will get a certain impression of you before you even open your mouth. To make sure it’s a good one, try to maintain “open” body language – such as uncrossing your arms and legs and angling your body towards the other person – which will make you seem more approachable, relaxed and open to conversation.

Pay attention

It may sound obvious, but an important step for making a good impression is to make sure you seem engaged and interested in what the other person is saying to you. Rather than reeling off a list of questions or conversation topics you have prepared in advance, make sure you listen to what the other person has to say and tailor your responses accordingly. While there is no need to gather enough information to be able to write their Wikipedia page, recalling things that they have spoken of and using their name in the conversation will show that you are interested and paying attention.

Be unique

If you want to make a good first impression, it can help to try to stand out from the crowd and give others something to remember you for. Rather than sticking to mundane topics of conversation such as the weather or how busy the traffic was, try to reveal something about yourself that is a bit unique or memorable. If you have an interesting hobby, anecdote or question, throw it into the conversation. You can even prepare an interesting story to tell in advance, so long as it comes across natural and unrehearsed!

Ask questions

Nerves can make us act in strange ways. Some people clam up entirely when meeting new people, while for others it can trigger nervous chatter. If you’re feeling anxious about meeting someone new or making a good impression, you can alleviate these problems and stop your nervous ramblings from dominating the conversation by preparing some questions to ask. Most people like to talk about themselves so will be won over by your thoughtfulness and good listening skills, while you will have some time to gather your thoughts. Ask open-ended question to help keep the conversation flowing.

Make eye contact

It can be difficult to maintain eye contact if you’re feeling nervous, but if your eyes are darting around the room whilst being spoken to it can seem as though you aren’t engaged in the conversation or are looking for an opportunity to get away. However, locking eyes for a prolonged period of time can also be a little bit intense with someone you don’t know. To maintain natural eye contact without looking like you are having a staring contest, try the triangle method of glancing from one eye to the other, then to the mouth, and back again.

Show your sense of humor

People are drawn to those who can make them laugh and who also see the humor in situations. Even if you are not a natural comedian, try to keep the conversation light and laugh and smile where appropriate. If you do feel compelled to crack a joke, this can be a good ice breaker. However, try to steer away from sarcasm and controversial topics and don’t make a joke at someone else’s expense. While this may raise a laugh at the time, you will immediately be portrayed as someone who talks about other’s behind their backs, which may cause your new acquaintance to be on their guard.

Find common ground

While you are not going to hit it off with everyone you meet in life, it can help to look for the common ground when meeting someone new. Whether it is a common interest, a similar sense of humor or a mutual acquaintance, finding something you have in common can help you to connect with those around you and keep the conversation flowing more easily. However, while it is important to show interest for other people’s passions and hobbies, try not to feign common interests to bond with others as you are likely to be found out.

Do your homework

If you are attending a job interview or business meeting, it is important to do a bit of research on the company beforehand so that you are fully prepared for your meeting and what is expected of you. Not only will this give you an idea of how formal your meeting will be (which is something you should reflect in your dress code, language and conversation) but it will give you more things to discuss in your meeting. Coming armed with prior knowledge is also likely to win you major brownie points and help you to make a great first impression.

Don’t overthink it

While it can help to make an effort with your behavior and to prepare yourself as much as you can for an important first meeting, thinking too much about how you are coming across to others could actually work against you. Concentrating too much on the impression you are making can make you seem nervous and inattentive. Also, it can distract you from what others are saying. Spend a little time thinking about the impression you want to make then try to switch your focus to what is going on around you. Also, remember that no one will be analyzing your behavior as much as you are!

Shared From: realbuzz.com

First Date Do's and Don'ts

First Date Do's and Don'ts

First dates are very nerve racking and often leave us shy, silent and blowing are chances of getting a second one because we weren't prepared for this one. Here are some pointers to help you get the best start and make a good impression.


1. Be on time - The last thing you want to do is make a bad impression on your date. If you are late they will think that you don't care and worse still might not hang around for you to turn up.

2. Make your partner feel comfortable - We all feel like a bag of nerves on our first date with someone; so by making them feel comfortable you will also be able to relax and enjoy yourself.

3. Be an interesting date - The worse thing you can do is turn up for a date with someone then sit there all night and talk or worse still talking and not making sense or having nothing good to talk about.

4. Laugh at their jokes - Even if you have heard the joke 100 times or more (or it just isn't funny at all) laughing a long with them will make them feel you are interested in them.

5. Keep the conversation alive - That dreaded silence when no one knows what to say can seem to last for a life time and will make both of you think the other is boring. Jot down a few questions you would like to ask. Practicing for the date can make all the difference and once you have started the rest will just follow. Here are a few conversation starters you could use.

6. Take an interest in them - Listen to them when they are talking. Be interested in what they have to say and show how interested you are by asking them questions about what they like to do etc..

7. Take them somewhere unique - First dates don't just have to be about going to the cinema or to a restaurant for a nice meal. You will make a longer, lasting impression if you are imaginative with your date.

8. Be confident - Confidence says a lot about a person. Being more confident will help you get through that first date with ease.

9. Be yourself - You won't fool anyone by pretending to be someone you are not. Also if you are wanting to continue seeing them, the real you will come out eventually and they may no longer be interested.

10. Most importantly - STAY SAFE.


1. Be late - First impressions count and if you are late this will make them think of you as lazy, having lack of responsibilities, etc..

2. Talk about yourself all night - There is nothing worse then a person that loves to talk about themselves all the time. How vain can you get?

3. Talk about past relationships all night - May be that's how you lost the last one. Nobody wants to hear you drone on about your ex and what they did or didn't do. Concentrate on this one and see if you can get to the second date.

4. Eat with your mouth open - Just the thought of it makes my stomach turn so save your date the horrible experience.

5. Ask too many personal questions - This is your first date and they won't want to reveal to much about themselves just yet. If you like each other and want to continue with the relationship then there will be plenty of time to ask questions.

6. Try to be something you are not - You will only attract the way that you act and if that is not the real you, when the real you does come out the other person will not be interested. Find someone that will want you for you not for what you are pretending to be.

7. Forget to thank them for the date - Not only is this good manners but this is where you will get your chance to end it if you are not interested or for you to ask them out on another date if you would like to see them again.

8. Propose marriage or kids - Unless you don't want to see them again.

9. Pursue sex after your partner has said no.

10. Don't get drunk - You don't want to spend half the night in the toilet vomiting and your date won't think much of you. You can also put yourself at risk of unwanted advances and will not be in the right frame of mind or body to do anything about it.

Shared From: dibdabdoo.com

What to Expect On the First Date

What to Expect On the First Date

Many are the times when we often ponder upon the different expectations between men and women when it comes to going out on the first date. Men as expected to have expectations from women. To get a perfect man as a woman you also need to be perfect as well.

Let’s look at the expectations that a man expects to find in a woman during a first date.

Honesty and Trustworthy

Naturally men are extremely possessive about their women. During the first date, you shouldn’t bring up a topic touching on your past relationships and neither should you come out as extremely flirtatious as this show him that you are a flirt and you can flirt with anything that comes your way.

A woman who talks excessively about her past relationships and how this guy did this and that guy did that will demoralize her date and turn him into a nervous wreck.

Matching Interests

Even on a first date, men often prefer talking to women who have interests that match with theirs. This frees up the tension and the talk, laughter and giggles can flow with ease without having to refer to notes written on the palm of the hand or on a napkin.


To men; their date’s look and their own looks means a lot during the first date. Men are constantly looking and seeking for a woman who is not only attractive but stunning to them. So do not be surprised when you go out on a first date with a man who is overly dressed or has worn a sharp suit, these are his ways of presenting himself to you.

For both men and women, the first date is usually the hardest, when everyone is having a nervous breakdown and is sweating profusely. But there are a few more details that a woman expects from her date especially on the first date:

Listen to Her

The first date presents the perfect platform for both men and women to get to learn and understand each other more. However as a man, you need to remember one critical thing, women require a lot of attention from you.

Avoid going on and on about yourself lest you fail to impress your date. The more you go on and on about yourself the more your date will conclude to herself that you are a man who is self-obsessed. To score points with her, let her do most of the talking and always listen to whatever she is saying carefully.

Try to strike a conversation with her about what she has touched on and you will make her more than happy. Giving a woman your undivided attention is likened to giving her a precious gift. Furthermore, it serves as a form of unspoken communication that sends signals that you are highly interested in her.

Talk and Initiate Conversation

Please note that listening to your lady friend doesn’t really mean that you should shut up the whole time. You need to talk at times, however, keep the conversation engaging, funny and meaningful. Do not start discussing serious issues on the first date!

You should also avoid as much as you can coming out seeming dumb or shy, women love confidence and are attracted to it. Your silence is more than likely to ruin the romantic atmosphere that has been set.


To avoid a scenario where you have a lousy date, try to find out what your date’s interests (both man and woman) are and concentrate on them, sip on a glass of wine or scotch to help calm your nerves and wear clothes that fit, not too tight or too lose to help you stay alert and focused on your date!

Shared From: tips4dating.com

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