If there's one thing you can always count on Khloe Kardashian to do, it's keeping it real. We mean, you pretty much have to when millions of eyes (and paparazzi lenses) are trained in on you day in and day out. Even in the face of backlash and personal tragedy, Khlo has kept charming us with her unfiltered candor and endearing positivity. She even parlayed her experience in the spotlight—and the nasty critiques that come with it—into a best-selling book.
Which is why her latest partnership sort of makes sense when you think about it. Earlier this week, Kybella, an FDA-approved injectable that can minimize the appearance of a double chin (you can read our full rundown about it here), announced Kardashian as the new ambassador of its "Live Chin Up" campaign, which is designed to encourage women to not let things that bother them get in their way. It's essentially one big celebration of "You Do You."
To kick off the campaign, Kardashian hosted a panel of experts in NYC, and afterward, we caught up with her to hear her real thoughts on how perceptions about injectables are changing—of course, she didn't hold anything back. Would you expect anything less? Read on for her refreshingly honest interview, below.
Lipstick: There used to be a stigma when it came to injectables. Do you think that's changing?
Khloe Kardashian: I hope that it's changing! For me, I don't really care what you do as long as it's for yourself. Even if that's working out—who is to say that a size 2 makes you happy? I think whatever size you are is great as long as you're happy. There's this plus-size model Ashley Graham, who's beautiful and has this fantastic shape. I love what she exudes in her confidence, and I think she's incredibly healthy. There's a difference when someone is eating a bag of Cheetos and a Slurpee saying, "I'm so fat I don't know why." Well, maybe don't eat the Slurpee and the Cheetos. You can still be bigger and be healthy. With injectables and everything, if it's something you want to do, and you have had an insecurity about something go ahead and do it. I wish injectables were treated more like makeup. I'm allowed to contour my face, I have nose contour and cheek contour on, highlighter on, I'm overdrawing my lips, and nobody really says that's crazy. I don't understand why. I basically put on a mask every day. I just really hope stuff like this becomes treated like makeup.
Lipstick: Do you have any rules for injectables?
KK: It has to be in moderation. And I do have a problem with people who get stuff for others. I know friends who are like, "My boyfriend only wants a girl with huge boobs," and I'm like, "Okay do you want bigger boobs?" And if they do, great, but if they're only doing it for someone else that's what bothers me. But plastic surgery and injectables in general, I don't care [what others do], it's not my body. I couldn't care less. One day I'm going to get big ol' boobs. I just need to find the time to do it! [laughs]
Lipstick: Have you ever made a beauty move you were scared or nervous about?
KK: I did something once, fillers or something. I didn't really want to do it. My friend was like, "You have to, it's not a big deal." And so, of course, I was the 1 percent who didn't react well to it, so I had to dissolve it all. That's the one time, and I was so nervous, but it wasn't meant for me anyway. Thank God I could dissolve it.
Lipstick: Yikes! What did you think when the reaction started happening?
KK: It took a few days, so at first I was like, "Oh wow I love it!" They say people can become addicted to that stuff, and I could totally see why. It was right during Lamar [Odom]'s accident, so they thought my reaction was because of stress. So then after, I was like, "Come the f*ck on." Of course I had to be the 1 percent [it didn't work on]. But when it was good, I liked it. I just don't know if I'd try it again anytime soon.
Lipstick: Where exactly did you get them?
KK: Right here [points to smile lines above her mouth]. It flattens these wrinkles. I believe in lasers too. I do a ton of those. I think the reason I like lasers more is because I feel like they're less invasive. Maybe. But I will try literally any lasers. I've done it on my neck and my face—even for redness and wrinkles, for tightening and cellulite, anything. I don't know the names of them because I tell my doctor [what my issue is] or he'll see me and be like, "Oh, it looks like you have some sun damage. Let's zap that." And I'm like, "Okay, zap it!" To me, it's like who cares.
Lipstick: During your Kybella panel, you talked a lot about the pressures of being in the spotlight. What advice have you given Kylie and Kendall as their careers have blown up over the past year?
KK: Pretty much, "Just stay true to yourself." I'm really proud of Kylie. She's gotten so much sh*t for her lips, but it was very much for her. That was only about her and nobody else. It was an insecurity she's always had. When I was trying to understand why she was doing that so young, I'd see all of her pictures and she'd always do cute, sexy poses but covering her mouth—that's when I understood. It made her feel so much better about herself. That's all she did, and I'm proud she stuck to her guns. Some people will do it and deny, she didn't address it at first because she didn't know she had to. She was like, "It's my face!" But finally in an interview she was like, "Okay, I did it." It was actually the only time she was asked directly. There were rumors, and we don't like to confront rumors. They would never end if we did that. I'm proud of her for doing what was best for herself.
PS: While we're on the topic of Khloe, we could. not. stop. staring at her hair. It's just as amazing in person as it is in all these pictures.
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