There is some likelihood of a slight career conflict, Capricorn. You might have to deal with a co-worker who steps on your toes or runs roughshod over your gentle nature. Defend yourself with your favorite weapons - silence, laughter, and perspective. Let your adversary tangle himself or herself in desperate attempts to justify their behavior. Let your boss be the wise and discerning judge of the matter.
Today's planetary configuration means that hopefully you have all your appointments plus that all-important date scheduled in your diary. And that before you leave to meet your brand new love interest you will have checked the time and the place, and that you also know how to get there. Confusion reigns and there is a chance that you may get in a muddle and miss out.Single's Love - All of a sudden you get a glimpse at how far you've really come -- it hits you when you least expect it. Give yourself a minute to revel in your accomplishments. Don't minimize your effort. This self-recognition has been a long time in coming, so let it sink in.
Couple's Love - You have a strong intellectual connection to your partner. By sharing the things that you are passionate about, you are able to create a bond that transcends the physical.
Those worry lines you're fussing over aren't there, but if you plunk down fifty bucks for eye cream, you'll stress about how to pay for it, and before you know it, you will have worry lines. So save your money instead.CAREER
Your overall mood will be one of peace and calm, but other people are trying your patience. It seems that everyone wants to push your buttons, almost as if they don't want to see you calm and peaceful. They will do whatever they can to get you riled up.WELLNESS
Your intuition may be so strong today that you won't even catch the implications until a few days from now. That's not highly unusual for you, but you may feel a little bit sleepy as a result. This doesn't necessarily mean that you must have less energy than usual. It is absolutely important that you stay physically active when you have a few days of intense emotional "fog." If possible, take a walk during your lunch break. Anything you can do to add some physical momentum to this day will do you a world of good.MORE ON CAPRICORN:
Capricorn 2014 HoroscopeCapricorn 2014 Love Horoscope
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope