Baby photos of Leonardo DiCaprio recently surfaced on the Internet this week, but for some reason, fans aren't reacting to the absurdly cute vintage snap the way you might have expected. Instead, commenters have not chosen to focus on adorable little Leo, but his mom Irmelin. More specifically her armpit hair. But why? The photo in question, posted on the Facebook page History in Pictures has sparked a heated debate, incurring close to 8,000 comments and 14,000 shares so far. Some of the harsher comments included things like [all sic]:
"WTF is that under her arms ?!?"
"Hopefully after his oscar win can score himself a wee Gillette sponsorship and hook his mum up. And for all you greeting wifeys she should shave cause shes probs got more pit hair than his dad!! Thought woman wanted equality not to literally be as hairy as men"
"I am sorry but the armpits are disgusting! If you disagree then you probably don't shave your legs, or wax, or no makeup and don't take care of your hair, clothes, weight or what you look like. Come on everyone we are woman and who doesn't want to look pretty. And if you don't shave you probably don't shower and smell!"
But most of the Facebook commenters weren't having any of that negativity. Many were quick to come to DiCaprio's mom's defense, stating:
"When I saw this, I thought "Wow, that little toddler just got an Oscar. His parents must be extremely proud!" Not "OMG, his mom didn't shave her pits during a time where women didn't shave their pits."
"Why does his mom have to shave? All women grow hair under their arms. This was a different time. This was normal. And women STILL DON'T have to shave to appease you! She's not gross, only your irrelevant opinion is."
"It boggles my mind how unaware people of my generation are to time and culture. Pick up a history book or look up culture of the US in the 1960s & 70s. Maybe you'll pay more attention to the fact that Leo grew up as a happy child and what made him one of the most amazing actors of our time."
Amen to that. Why do women still have to defend their choice to do what they want with their body hair? Especially considering how far we've come in just the past few years: Celebrities like Madonna are still rocking hairy pits. Women are growing out their armpit hair for charity. And remember when it was a trend to dye your underarms rainbow colors? Women should feel empowered to wear their hair—whether on their heads or anywhere else on their bodies—however they damn please.
Now can we all go back to appreciating how precious baby Leo is? Those cheeks. Come on. * heart melts *
Watch Leonardo DiCaprio Get His Oscar Engraved: